17 things that we wish for Ukraine to happen in 2017
​We love Ukraine and always want the very best for it. Many of us have expressed different wishes at different times which have ranged from wishing independence of Ukraine to its economic development. Award of Nobel Prize to Lina Kostenko to jail terms to many of our existing and erstwhile politicians are some other wishes thought of by many others. On this New Year 2017 we would pray to the almig
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The Ten Commandments of Ukrainian Politicians
​The season of festivals is here. It brings happiness, joy and togetherness of loved ones. At this time of the year we look at the world with more hope, optimism and reaffirm our belief in the universal values of love, peace and harmony. We mere mortals often reevaluate our actions, principles and decisions to make them more humane and utilitarian. What about the value systems of Ukrainian politic
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Where Is Ukraine
Ukraine is a wonderful European country but to millions of its inhabitants and to those who are related to Ukraine through their families, work, activities, interests and friends, it is much more than just a nation on the map of the world. The article presents the deep connect that exists in the hearts and minds of millions of people worldwide who in someway are connected to Ukraine.
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